





South of the South:
Rhetorics of Geography and Imageries of Delinking
南方以南: 地理修辭與脫羈之像

Dec. 19 - 21, 2018
14:oo - 18:30
Guangdong Times Museum
Times Rose Garden III, Huangbianbei Road, Baiyun Avenue
Guangzhou, China

Curated by: Nikita Yingqian Cai
Coordinated by: Cai Qiaoling

Contributing Speakers:
Hera Chan & Xiaoshi Vivian Vivian Qin
Junyuan Feng
Kun Huang
Li Yongning
Liu Ye
Adrián Melis
Kwesi Dzapong Prah
Françoise Vergès
Lyno Vuth
Zairong Xiang
Yang Yuanyuan
Zeng Han
Musquiqui Chihying


South of the South: Rhetorics of Geography and Imageries of Delinking, the 7th Para-curatorial symposium presented by Times Museum and curated by Nikita Yingqian Cai, recognizes the constitutive histories and indigenous culture of Canton and the constructed narratives of the Pearl River Delta as a situated point of departure. The three-day symposium reignites the imaginations of “South of the South” by reflecting on the accelerated state of the PRD as a scalable model of modernization in Asia and a test site of globalization in China, where circulation of labors, capitals, cultural rituals, objects, images and ideas reveals an invisible undercurrent of southern geographies and imageries. Setting off from the historical moment of Bandung Conference and its deliberate economic and political choices of delinking with imperial power and hegemonic system, lectures and screenings shed light on the legacy of solidarity among the third world countries and how the Souths relate to each other by confronting “The Promise of Development” in the neoliberal, post-Cold War period. While rhetorics of geography and transnational trajectories of postcolonial subjects have been assimilated by major US-European institutions in the past two decades, the symposium enacts the performative potential of story-telling by inviting artists and institutional practitioners to speculate on “What if Stories are Tools?” beyond the exhibition and institutional formats, and to recuperate the capacity of creating disparate vocabularies and disruptions on a vernacular level. The last part of the symposium is dedicated to the interrogation of “Where is the South Now?” by collectively imagining a coordinated site of resistance. Informed by the intertwined histories of various Souths, the spectral entanglement of imperial powers and the global nationalistic movements of “closing down”, perspectives of gender, culture and technology are introduced to hack into the dominant infrastructures of hierarchy, to invoke other ways of interrelation and worlding, and to transform the dualistic demarcation of north and south, west and east ...

由時代美術館呈現,並由蔡影茜策劃的第七屆泛策展研討會以“南方以南:地理修辭與脫羈 之像”為主題,重新審視珠三角建構和被建構的歷史,及其自我塑造的美學和傳統,將中國 南方的社會、政治和文化情景,納入全球南方的地理坐標和圖像網絡之中。珠三角作為20世紀90年代新自由主義全球崛起的一個區域性典型,其試點性的經濟加速和城市化規模被作為一個可計量的模型推行全國,並被認可為亞洲現代化的特定標杆。這種對“發展的承諾”掩蓋了勞動力及資本以外由慣例、物品、形象和概念所承載的文化潛流。三天的研討會旨在重啟一種南方想像,並從萬隆會議提出的在政治和經濟上與帝國權力和霸權體系的決裂​​開始,探討後冷戰格局下,現代性框架中有關持續增長的普世信仰的破產。當地理修辭和後殖民主義的跨國議題完全為以歐美為代表的北方藝術體制主流化之時,藝術家和文化實踐者又如何超越展覽和機構的既定框架,在日常的層面上保存地方語彙的創造力?研討會的第二部分“溫故知新”激發“講述”這一古老技藝的潛力,從個體的、不受約束者的角度呈現斷裂和乾擾的可能。多樣化的南方及其交織的歷史,帝國慾望的互映和糾纏,以及以自由個人主義為代表的身份固化和右翼民粹主義的崛起,使得“何為今之南方?”成為一個迫切的問題。研討會的最後部分將引入性別、文化和技術等維度,以集體想像的方式探討對現存的等級秩序和帝國敘事的挑戰,並從超越“南北-東西”二元格局的角度,尋求新的聯結策略和世界圖景 ...

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